🚀 Quarkus and gRPC: A Beginner’s Guide to Building Your First Hello World Application 🌍

Sergio Canales E
4 min readApr 11, 2024

Hi everyone, this is me trying out more stuff. I’ve been very interested in gRPC, but I’m more used to coding in Java than GoLang. So, it makes sense for me to try out Quarkus, which I think is awesome, and gRPC, which I think is awesome too.

So, in short, this is the result — a very simple one. I’m not expecting it to change the world, but at least it’ll make it easier for you to try out a simple example of this.

And finally, I wasn’t very happy with my initial blog post, so I asked ChatGPT to make it more funny and friendly. Don’t judge me; it’s a weird and funny result! 😛

Here we Go!

Hey there, future tech explorer! Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the world of modern Java development? 🌟 Today, I’m here to be your friendly guide as we dive into the fascinating realms of Quarkus and gRPC. 🚀 Let’s build your very first Hello World application together, shall we?

Lab Material: Map Service Demo

Before we dive into Quarkus and gRPC, let’s take a quick look at another fantastic example of what you can do with modern technologies. Check out this Map Service Demo🗺️ It’s a great way to get inspired services can be implemented in real-world applications.

Map Service Demo Repository

Understanding Quarkus and gRPC

Quarkus: Supersonic Subatomic Java

Imagine Java on steroids, tailored for the fast-paced world of cloud-native and microservices architecture. That’s Quarkus! It’s like having a supercharged sports car for your Java applications, optimized for speed, efficiency, and scalability. 🏎️

gRPC: A High-Performance RPC Framework

Now, let’s talk about gRPC — the magic wand for efficient communication between distributed systems. With gRPC, you’re not just making remote procedure calls; you’re unleashing the power of bidirectional streaming, efficient serialization, and automatic code generation. It’s like having a superhero sidekick for your microservices architecture! 💥

Building Your Hello World Application

🛠️ Step 1: Setting Up Your Development Environment First things first, let’s make sure you have all the tools you need. Don’t worry; I’ve got you covered with detailed instructions in the README.md file. Let’s get those development environments all set up!

📦 Step 2: Creating a Quarkus Project Time to fire up that Quarkus magic! With just a few commands, you’ll have a shiny new Quarkus project ready to go. Don’t forget to add some gRPC goodness to the mix!

📝 Step 3: Defining a gRPC Service Let’s lay the groundwork for our application by defining a simple gRPC service. Think of it as drawing up the blueprint for your dream house — except, in this case, it’s for our awesome Hello World app!

💻 Step 4: Implementing the gRPC Service Now it’s time to roll up our sleeves and bring our gRPC service to life! Get ready to add some code that’ll make our application sing and dance.

▶️ Step 5: Running Your Quarkus Application Drumroll, please! It’s time to hit that run button and see our Quarkus application in action. Let’s make sure everything’s running smoothly before we move on to the next step.

🚀 Step 6: Building a Native Image Now, here’s where things get really cool. We’re going to harness the power of GraalVM to build a native executable of our Quarkus application. Say goodbye to long startup times and hello to lightning-fast performance! ⚡

🐳 Step 7: Dockerizing Your Application Last but not least, let’s wrap up our application in a neat little Docker container. This way, we can take our Hello World app with us wherever we go — whether it’s on our local machine or up in the cloud!


Congratulations, my friend! 🎉 You’ve just built your very first Hello World application using Quarkus and gRPC. How cool is that? As you continue to explore the wonderful world of Java development, remember that the possibilities are endless. 🌈 So don’t be afraid to dream big and push the boundaries of what’s possible with Quarkus and gRPC!

And hey, speaking of exploration, why not check out this awesome Map Service Demo by scanalesespinoza? It’s another fantastic example of what you can do with modern technologies. Who knows? It might just inspire your next big project! 🗺️

Link to Quarkus documentation

Link to gRPC documentation

Map Service Demo Repository

Happy coding, and welcome to the wonderful world of Quarkus and gRPC! 🚀🌟



Sergio Canales E

Technology Fan, OpenSource Contributor, Nerd Embassador